The brand new book my wife and I wrote about the most difficult struggle of our marriage is available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook. See the links below. Here is the copy from the back of the book:

Two decades ago, Boyd and Kathy Barrett found themselves in a bookstore desperately seeking information on how to deal with an issue that was tearing their marriage apart. They left the bookstore with a resource that started them on the road to healing, beginning with the acknowledgment that Boyd was passive-aggressive to a dysfunctional level. What they didn’t know at the time was that they would eventually be moved to write about that process in a book of their own. They left that bookstore with a tremendous resource but also with a warning to Kathy from the lady who helped her as she said “…there’s not much hope for him to change.”

Boyd uses the biblical tale of Jacob, who was a classic passive-aggressive man, as a mirror to tell his own story in a brutally honest and transparent manner. Kathy adds nuggets of wisdom from her experience as the wife of a deeply flawed man. This book is their attempt to provide hope that change is possible, despite what the lady in the bookstore said.

If you would like to order the book directly from me (bypassing Amazon or other online retailers), click “Buy Here” below. It’ll save you a couple of dollars, and I’ll get a bigger cut as well. 

You will also find links to Amazon and other online retailers as well as Audible.